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Boxing encourages  the participants to step-up, be heard and claim their space. There is no room for sorries, being willing to make mistakes and fail is the only way to learn and improve. We use boxing as it perfectly mimics the challenges women face in the workplace. Women who succeed in boxing are the best of the best, they have drive, a willingness to try and the belief that you can and should. They have to push aside traditional views of female roles and define their own way.


Male dominated gyms, sport, industries and boardrooms, make it intimidating for women to participate and create barriers for entry. There are industry wage gaps with female competitors being paid less for equal work and facing greater difficulty in finding available roles. This is turn leads to a lack of female representation in executive and decision making positions and roles and a sparsity of female role models and mentors for up and coming fighters.


To step into a boxing ring and compete, requires the ability to be able to perform under intense pressure. You have to be confident in your speed, your fitness, your defence and your ability to read your opponent and adapt.  Encouraging women to master the complex skill of boxing, increases their view of themselves as strong and confident.  Delivered on-site, all gear provided. All abilities and body types catered for. 

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